Environmental/Social Impact Assessments regarding the Integrated Water Resources Management at Akhouryan River in Armenia

Environmental/Social Impact Assessments regarding the Integrated Water Resources Management at Akhouryan River in Armenia

As part of the project “Integrated Water Resources Management at Akhouryan River / Construction of Kaps Reservoir and Gravity Irrigation System” the construction of the Kaps Dam and Reservoir and the associated gravity irrigation system was planned to contribute to the sustainable use of scarce water resources at Akhouryan River in north western Armenia. This was done considering various competing interests of water users.


GefaÖ conducted site visits and field studies for this project to prepare a detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in 2020 (including Management Plans providing measures to avoid and minimize impacts related to environment, social issues, health and safety). As land acquisition, resettlement and compensation for loss of property and livelihoods are required during project implementation, the preparation of a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan was also part of GefaÖ’s services. GefaÖ was also involved in the development of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan as well as stakeholder consultations, workshops and public hearings on the project.

Services of GefaÖ

  • Review of available documents and Gap Analysis of relevant Armenian laws and standards in comparison with international environmental, social, health, safety and labour standards
  • Preparation of a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
  • Field surveys incl. survey of macro-zoobenthos in Akhouryan River
  • Stakeholder analysis and preparation of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
  • Provision of support in the disclosure of documents, the organisation of workshops and stakeholder consultations, as well as project presentation to stakeholders and the public
  • Review of Akhouryan River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) from an environmental perspective
  • Preparation of a detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as well as associated Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP)
  • Preparation of a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP)


State Committee of Water Economy of the Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources, “Water Sector PIU” State Agency