Expert report to the EC Water Framework Directive – B27, Bodelshausen (L 389) – Nehren (L 394)
For the planning of a bypass in the districts of Ofterdingen, Mössingen and Nehren, GefaÖ was commissioned by the Regional Council of Tübingen to prepare expert reports considering water law in accordance with §27 and §47 of the Water Resources Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz). This is to ensure that no deterioration of relevant water bodies is to be expected as a result of the project ("concept of no deterioration") and that the improvement of relevant water bodies is not prevented ("improvement requirement").
Services of GefaÖ
- Description of the project and project-related effects on surface water bodies and groundwater bodies, on the basis of the existing technical planning and drainage planning, to check the compatibility of the project with the objectives of the EC Water Framework Directive
- Description of the baseline status of the water bodies affected by the project with regard to the quality parameters relevant under the EC Water Framework Directive as well as any existing environmental contamination, the water body category and the reference status based on existing profiles
- Calculations of concentrations of road salt and traffic-related pollutants as diffuse sources
- Impact prediction by examining the prohibition of deterioration and the requirement for improvement for all affected water bodies
- Presentation and assessment of compensatory measures and avoidance measures