Preparation of process-accompanying environmental reports as part of the refurbishment of a bridge in Karlsruhe
The Karlsruhe Regional Council intended to replace a two-part bridge structure over the Alb in Karlsruhe-Knielingen as a section of the B10.
In addition to two legally protected biotopes according to §30 BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act), several parts of protected areas were located in the study area. These were the Burgau nature reserve, parts of the FFH area Rheinniederung between Wintersdorf and Karlsruhe, as well as parts of the Special Protection Area (SPA) of bird species Rheinniederung Elchesheim-Karlsruhe and the Upper Rhine Ramsar area. GefaÖ was commissioned to prepare an accompanying landscape management plan, a special species protection assessment and preliminary assessments for a FFH area and SPA of bird species.
Services of GefaÖ
- Mapping and recording of avifauna, reptiles, shellfish fauna and biotope types
- Preparation of the accompanying landscape management plan
- Preparation of a special species protection assessment
- Preliminary assessments for Natura 2000 sites