Your partner for Environmental Management and Landscape Planning
Our company for applied ecology and environmental planning (Gesellschaft für angewandte Ökologie und Umweltplanung), GefaÖ GmbH, provides services in the field of environmental and landscape planning since 1984. Since then, the key to our success is an interdisciplinary team of experts. Experienced professionals from a wide range of fields such as biology, ecology, landscape planning, geography, geology and social sciences, as well as CAD/GIS experts competently and economically responsibly analyse the ecological and socio-economic aspects of planning projects.
Since 1994, our portfolio has expanded to include the environmental and social aspects of major international projects in the sector of technical development assistance. Our clients are International Financial Institutions (IFIs) including the Asian, European or African Development Bank and KfW, but also private investors.
As a member of the Fichtner Group, we collaborate intensively with Fichtner Water & Transportation (FWT) in projects covering aquatic ecology, water management, hydrology, hydraulic engineering and flood protection. In particular, projects that become necessary within the framework of the implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) benefit from this cooperation. These include, for example, the planning and implementation of fish passes and watercourse restoration measures.