Ecological Expert Reports
If expert reports are required as part of the approval planning – e.g. for special species protection (prohibited acts according to § 44 BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act)) – we take on the corresponding preparation of expert reports with our interdisciplinary team of experts. Expert reports, such as those required for the planned designation of nature conservation and landscape protection areas, are also part of our services. Depending on the objective, we provide mapping of biotope types and flora as well as studies on various species groups relevant to the project. We have a network of external specialists who are involved for specific requirements.
Our range of services in this area includes:
- FFH preliminary assessments and impact assessments
- Special species protection assessments (saP)
- Planning and monitoring of species protection measures
- Examination of fish population
- Surveys of macro-zoobenthos
- Chemical and biological investigations of water bodies
- Monitoring of CEF (Continuous Ecological Function) and FCS (Favorable Conservation Status) measures including risk management
- Faunistic studies, e.g. avifauna, reptiles, amphibians, insect fauna
- Mapping of biotope types
- Recording of flora
Your contact persons for Ecological Expert Reports:
- Gunther Wetzel
- Head of Department
- gunther.wetzel @gefaoe .de
- +49 711 97668 11
- Dr. Detlev Paulsch
- Managing Director
- d.paulsch @gefaoe .de
- +49 6222 97175 17