Monitoring of Eurasian skylarks and Western yellow wagtails in Sinsheim to check the success of measures for species protection

Monitoring of Eurasian skylarks and Western yellow wagtails in Sinsheim to check the success of measures for species protection

During the preparation of the environmental report for the development plan “Gewerbe- und Industriegebiet Sinsheim-Süd” (Sinsheim-South commercial and industrial area), significant impacts had been identified, especially on bird species protected under European law. The development of the areas destroyed around 16 territories of Eurasian skylarks. The project triggered prohibited acts according to the BNatSchG (§ 44 (1) numbers 1 to 3 BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act)). Since 2009, several compensatory measures have been implemented in the vicinity of Sinsheim to compensate for the possible destruction of breeding and resting sites.


GefaÖ was contracted by the city of Sinsheim to assess and monitor the acceptance of compensation measures such as establishment of skylark plots, flower strips or extensification areas by Eurasian skylarks (Alauda arvensis) and Western yellow wagtails (Motacilla flava) in the years 2014 to 2020.


The mapping area comprised 12 areas, located to the west, south and south-east of Sinsheim. The areas are part of the municipalities of Eschelbach, Dühren, Hilsbach, Ittlingen, Reihen, Waldangelloch and the city of Sinsheim. Four of the study sites were considered as control sites in the municipalities of Hilsbach, Sinsheim and Waldangelloch. No habitat enhancement measures for Eurasian skylarks or Western yellow wagtails took place on these sites.

Services of GefaÖ

  • Annual monitoring of the occurrence of Eurasian skylarks and Western yellow wagtails in the areas of the compensation measures (Territory mapping)
  • Assessment of the success of compensation measures


City of Sinsheim