Aquatic ecological report on the effects of wastewater discharges into the Trienzbach
GefaÖ determined the impact of existing wastewater discharges into the Trienzbach and also prepared an aquatic ecological report for the Wastewater Association (Abwasserzweckverband) Fahrenbach-Limbach and the municipality of Elztal. For this purpose, the current chemical-physical and biological status of the watercourse was assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Services of GefaÖ
- Characterisation of the water system
- Inventory of the wastewater and discharge situation
- Sampling and evaluation of chemical-physical and biological parameters (macro-zoobenthos / diatoms) at relevant sampling sites
- Evaluation of the chemical-physical and biological results of the inventory surveys
- Description of the effects of wastewater discharges on the chemical-physical, biological and hydraulic status of water bodies
- Conclusions as well as recommendations on possibly required optimisation measures regarding the wastewater situation and proposals for improvement measures from an aquatic ecological point of view