Species Support Project “Burbot in northern Baden waters”

Species Support Project “Burbot in northern Baden waters”

Due to the unfavourable situation of the burbot population in northern Baden waters, a species support project for the burbot (Lota lota) was launched in 2019. The main objective of the support project is the conservation of the burbot population through stock management. Without this stock support measure, a further severe decline of the burbot population in northern Baden waters is to be expected.


GefaÖ developed a stocking concept for burbot in cooperation with the fisheries authority of the Karlsruhe Regional Council (Fischereibehörde des Regierungspräsidiums Karlsruhe). The concept included the selection of suitable stocking sites in a total of four water systems and the implementation of a stocking with one-summer-old burbots, accompanied by electrofishing monitoring over a period of three years.


A report about the situation of the burbot in northern Baden, written by GefaÖ on behalf of the Fisheries Association Baden-Württemberg e.V. (Landesfischereiverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.) is available here: lfvbw.de/naturschutz-2/artenschutzprojekte/quappe/

Services of GefaÖ

  • Preparation of a concept for burbot stocking
  • Implementation of burbot stocking at selected stocking sites in northern Baden
  • Annual monitoring of the burbot population in the stocking sites
  • Measuring, weighing and photographic documentation of recaptured burbot
  • Analysis, presentation and evaluation of the fishing results


Fisheries Association Baden-Württemberg e.V. (Landesfischereiverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.)